Manuela Skylitsis is passionate about details, colour and setting. For over than 30 years, she provided concepts and images to the press, publishing houses, non-governmental, social and educational organizations. Visual communication and production largely take their place in her daily life, both nationally and internationally. Official supplier to the Court of England for 15 years, responsible for internal and external communication at The Internationals Schools and providing concepts to magazines such as The Guardian, Newsweek London and Asia, Brussels Airlines, Away Magazine, Made in Belgium, …
Pascal Rocteur
25 years of direction and writing fiction and documentaire subjects, especially for the television and cinema. Pascal is a passionate! At ease behind his camera in capture, on filming, in advertising and corporate production. Great responsiveness to script and conceptual writing, he is at ease also in handling film crews. He has a really fluent technical skills for both shooting and editing. Honored with several awards for the making of his short films and his feature « Zéro zéro belge » in 2015.